Episode 6 - Exploring the Channels of Thinking: Logical vs. Intuitive with Carly Brand

In this episode of the Myofascial Health Podcast, Unu sits down with his longtime friend Carly Brand to discuss an incredible event she organized called Magic Body. Unu shares how he first met Carly years ago at a myofascial release seminar and how their friendship has blossomed since then.

Carly dives into the inspiration behind Magic Body, a unique gathering that aims to bring together various healing modalities in a fun, nature-based environment. The event took place at Stonehenge Gardens in the picturesque Poconos Mountains.

Carly invited Unu, Jeannie, and Crystal to lead workshops on myofascial release, energetics, grounding, and working with plants respectively. Unu recounts his experience at Magic Body and commends Carly for her ability to create a space where gifted facilitators could come together and share their knowledge and skills.

He reflects on the importance of following intuition and embracing the organic flow of events, rather than sticking to rigid plans. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the difference between logical thinking and intuitive creativity.

Carly shares how Magic Body allowed her to express her gift of vocal toning and singing in a unique way, by incorporating it into her myofascial release sessions. Unu opens up about his own journey from skepticism towards spiritual concepts to embracing his intuition through myofascial work. Carly also shares how she overcame her atheist upbringing and found spirituality through myofascial release.

Together, they encourage listeners to trust their subtle inner whispers and allow them to guide their path. In conclusion, Unu and Carly emphasize the importance of listening to intuition and finding community healing through the combination of different modalities, such as myofascial release, in safe and supportive spaces like Magic Body and Carly's future events.